‘To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees’: Counting with Nietzsche and Irigaray – Does Difference Need the Two?
DATE: 20th September 2018, University of Newcastle (UK)
OCCASION: Feminist Keynote Lecture at the 24th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society on “Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference”
DATE: 20th September 2018, University of Newcastle (UK)
OCCASION: Feminist Keynote Lecture at the 24th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society on “Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference”
Bodies of Resistance - Zur Aktualität der Körper als Orte des Politischen
DATE: 19th January 2017, Staatstheater Hannover
OCCASION: Annual Conference of the German Dramaturgs’ Society (Deutsche Dramaturgische Gesellschaft) on “BODY. Representation. Interaction. Difference.”
DATE: 19th January 2017, Staatstheater Hannover
OCCASION: Annual Conference of the German Dramaturgs’ Society (Deutsche Dramaturgische Gesellschaft) on “BODY. Representation. Interaction. Difference.”
Spacious Singing Flesh
DATE: 4th November 2016, University of Wuppertal
OCCASION: Symposium organized by the Master Programme “Educational Theory & Society Analysis” (Masterstudiengang Bildungstheorie und Gesellschaftsanalyse), University of Wuppertal on “Auf die Bühne Neue Schwesterlichkeit. Feminismus und die Forderung des postkolonialen Multikulturalismus” (“On Stage. New Sisterhood. Feminism and the claim of postcolonial Multiculturalism”)
DATE: 4th November 2016, University of Wuppertal
OCCASION: Symposium organized by the Master Programme “Educational Theory & Society Analysis” (Masterstudiengang Bildungstheorie und Gesellschaftsanalyse), University of Wuppertal on “Auf die Bühne Neue Schwesterlichkeit. Feminismus und die Forderung des postkolonialen Multikulturalismus” (“On Stage. New Sisterhood. Feminism and the claim of postcolonial Multiculturalism”)
Invited lectures
Final Remarks
DATE: March 31th 2023, Sigmund Freud Museum Wien
OCCASION: „IT HURTS! Gewalt gegen Frauen in Kunst und Gesellschaft“ Internationale Konferenz im Sigmund Freud Museum Wien
DATE: March 31th 2023, Sigmund Freud Museum Wien
OCCASION: „IT HURTS! Gewalt gegen Frauen in Kunst und Gesellschaft“ Internationale Konferenz im Sigmund Freud Museum Wien
We are about to leave. Abbruchkanten protokollieren.
DATE: January 18th 2023, brut Nordwestbahnhof Vienna
OCCASION: Redebeitrag zu Tattooing the Earth. Performance/Installation von Freundliche Mitte.
DATE: January 18th 2023, brut Nordwestbahnhof Vienna
OCCASION: Redebeitrag zu Tattooing the Earth. Performance/Installation von Freundliche Mitte.
Es braucht eine An-arché.
DATE: June 27th 2022, Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
OCCASION: Redebeitrag zu den Protesten gegen das Lueger-„Denkmal“ organisiert vom Institut für Sprachkunst der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien.
DATE: June 27th 2022, Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
OCCASION: Redebeitrag zu den Protesten gegen das Lueger-„Denkmal“ organisiert vom Institut für Sprachkunst der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien.
Traum: Schreiben. Ästhetische Erkenntnis & Literarische Produktion.
DATE: 02nd December 2021, Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Eingeladen von Monika Rinck und Gerhild Steinbuch (Professor:innen Sprachkunst)
DATE: 02nd December 2021, Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Eingeladen von Monika Rinck und Gerhild Steinbuch (Professor:innen Sprachkunst)
“We Should Write As We Dream.” A Writing Lecture
DATE: 27rd October 2021 Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Leena Rouhiainen Vice Dean (Research) Head of Performing Arts Research Centre.
DATE: 27rd October 2021 Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Leena Rouhiainen Vice Dean (Research) Head of Performing Arts Research Centre.
Passepartout eines Rätsels – Psychoanalyse in Zeiten von Queer- & Trans-Theory
DATE: 23rd March 2021, Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Linz
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Agnes Stephenson.
DATE: 23rd March 2021, Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Linz
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Agnes Stephenson.
Response to Marta Segarras Lecture „Poststructuralism and the (Post)Humanities: Jacques Derrida’s Legacy“ by Esther Hutfless and Elisabeth Schäfer
DATE: 21th January 2021, Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
OCCASION: Lecture Series: What will Poststrucuralim have been. Invitation by Eva-Maria Aigner, Jonas Oswald, Arno Böhler.
DATE: 21th January 2021, Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
OCCASION: Lecture Series: What will Poststrucuralim have been. Invitation by Eva-Maria Aigner, Jonas Oswald, Arno Böhler.
Passepartout eines Rätsels – Psychoanalyse in Zeiten von Queer- & Trans-Theory
DATE: 13th January 2021, Universitätszentrum für Frauen*- & Geschlechterstudien der Universität Klagenfurt.
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Kirstin Mertlitsch, Universitätszentrum für Frauen*- & Geschlechterstudien der Universität Klagenfurt.
DATE: 13th January 2021, Universitätszentrum für Frauen*- & Geschlechterstudien der Universität Klagenfurt.
OCCASION: Gastvortrag. Invitation by Kirstin Mertlitsch, Universitätszentrum für Frauen*- & Geschlechterstudien der Universität Klagenfurt.
„Ich telephoniere meine Träume“. Auf dem avantposte wird ein Schreiben ...
DATE: 24th-25th September 2020, Deutsches Seminar Universität Zürich
OCCASION: Der Alltag der Dekonstruktion. Über das Anekdotische bei Jacques Derrida und Hélène Cixous. Invitation by Philippe P. Haensler, Stefanie Heine, Philipp Hubmann, Thomas Traupmann, Deutsches Seminar Universität Zürich.
DATE: 24th-25th September 2020, Deutsches Seminar Universität Zürich
OCCASION: Der Alltag der Dekonstruktion. Über das Anekdotische bei Jacques Derrida und Hélène Cixous. Invitation by Philippe P. Haensler, Stefanie Heine, Philipp Hubmann, Thomas Traupmann, Deutsches Seminar Universität Zürich.
Taking the risk of a risk. Feminist Critique and Transformations (Biennale Lecture 2019)
DATE: 8th March 2018, Schauspielhaus Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Biennale Lecture 2019. Invitation by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
DATE: 8th March 2018, Schauspielhaus Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Biennale Lecture 2019. Invitation by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Input Talk: The Writings of Hélène Cixous
DATE: 16th January 2019, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education
OCCASION: Input Talk in the context of the course “Phallocentrism and the Secrets of the Patriarchy”, invitation by Renée Gadsden
DATE: 16th January 2019, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education
OCCASION: Input Talk in the context of the course “Phallocentrism and the Secrets of the Patriarchy”, invitation by Renée Gadsden
Jenseits von Wut und Hass
DATE: 28th December 2018, University of Applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the interdisciplinary lecture series “ART – RESEARCH – GENDER” (KUNST – FORSCHUNG – GESCHLECHT), University of Applied Arts Vienna
DATE: 28th December 2018, University of Applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the interdisciplinary lecture series “ART – RESEARCH – GENDER” (KUNST – FORSCHUNG – GESCHLECHT), University of Applied Arts Vienna
Talking Cure. Approaching “Choros VI” by Sandra Man & Moritz Majce
DATE: 30th November 2018, District Kunst- und Kulturförderung gGmbH, Berlin
OCCASION: Reflectional Lecture on the Performance / Installation CHOROS VI by Sandra Man and Moritz Mace
DATE: 30th November 2018, District Kunst- und Kulturförderung gGmbH, Berlin
OCCASION: Reflectional Lecture on the Performance / Installation CHOROS VI by Sandra Man and Moritz Mace
‘To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees’: Counting with Nietzsche and Irigaray – Does Difference Need the Two?
DATE: 20th September 2018, University of Newcastle (UK)
OCCASION: Feminist Keynote Lecture at the 24th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society on “Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference”
DATE: 20th September 2018, University of Newcastle (UK)
OCCASION: Feminist Keynote Lecture at the 24th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society on “Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference”
Lecture in the Context of “The Tea-Bag-Experiment”
DATE: 11th January 2018, University of applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture in the context of “The Tea-Bag-Experiment. Scientific Ways of Art and Design Communication”, curated and organized by Ruth Mateus-Berr
DATE: 11th January 2018, University of applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture in the context of “The Tea-Bag-Experiment. Scientific Ways of Art and Design Communication”, curated and organized by Ruth Mateus-Berr
Hélène Cixous’ Life Writings – Writing a Life. On Autobiografiction
DATE: 15th June 2017, Paris, Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité internationale universitaire
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the conference “Corollaires d’une signature / Corollaries of a Signature”, on the occasion of Hélène Cixous’ 80th birthday
DATE: 15th June 2017, Paris, Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité internationale universitaire
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the conference “Corollaires d’une signature / Corollaries of a Signature”, on the occasion of Hélène Cixous’ 80th birthday
Ein anderes Kap denken
DATE: 18th November 2016, Tanzquartier Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the “out of b/order Festival / Scores No 12”
DATE: 18th November 2016, Tanzquartier Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the “out of b/order Festival / Scores No 12”
Spacious Singing Flesh – Stile zu Schreiben, Stile zu Denken
DATE: 28th September 2013, University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy
OCCASION: Symposium on “European Philosophy and its Languages. Attempts of Self-Understanding” (Europäische Philosophie und ihre Sprachen. Ein Selbstverständigungsversuch), University of Vienna
DATE: 28th September 2013, University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy
OCCASION: Symposium on “European Philosophy and its Languages. Attempts of Self-Understanding” (Europäische Philosophie und ihre Sprachen. Ein Selbstverständigungsversuch), University of Vienna
“…eyes are lips on the lips of”: Encountering Cixous’ and Derrida’s Veils as a Poem of Infinity. Lecture dedicated to Hugh Silverman
DATE: 30th June 2013, Alto Adige/South Tyrol, Italy
OCCASION: IPS XXII: The 22nd Annual International Philosophical Seminar (IPS) , founded by Hugh J. Silverman and Wilhelm S. Wurzer, co-directed by Gary E. Aylesworth and Serge Trottein
DATE: 30th June 2013, Alto Adige/South Tyrol, Italy
OCCASION: IPS XXII: The 22nd Annual International Philosophical Seminar (IPS) , founded by Hugh J. Silverman and Wilhelm S. Wurzer, co-directed by Gary E. Aylesworth and Serge Trottein
Die Körnung, die Unebenheiten, die Haut – Vom Nicht/Sehen/Wissen der Bilder
DATE: 22nd October 2012, Galerie Charim, Vienna
OCCASION: Monday Lectures Neue Wiener Gruppe, Lacan Schule, Sektion Ästhetik
DATE: 22nd October 2012, Galerie Charim, Vienna
OCCASION: Monday Lectures Neue Wiener Gruppe, Lacan Schule, Sektion Ästhetik
Immer wieder – die Körper!
DATE: 26th March 2012, University of Klagenfurt, together with Dr. Markus Mittmansgruber
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the lecture series “Corporal performativity. Meaning generation of the lived body” (“Korporale Performanz. Zur bedeutungsgenerierenden Dimension des Leibes”), organized in the course of the FWF-project “Generating Bodies”. Course-leaders: Alice Pechriggl and Christian Herzog
DATE: 26th March 2012, University of Klagenfurt, together with Dr. Markus Mittmansgruber
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the lecture series “Corporal performativity. Meaning generation of the lived body” (“Korporale Performanz. Zur bedeutungsgenerierenden Dimension des Leibes”), organized in the course of the FWF-project “Generating Bodies”. Course-leaders: Alice Pechriggl and Christian Herzog
Reibungen. Der Takt der Freundschaft
DATE: 21st April 2011, Free University of Berlin
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the lecture series of the International Graduate College “Internat”
DATE: 21st April 2011, Free University of Berlin
OCCASION: Lecture in the context of the lecture series of the International Graduate College “Internat”
Book Presentation: Gedanken im freien Fall. Vom Wandel der Metapher. Edited by Sophia Panteliadou and Elisabeth Schäfer. Sonderzahl (Publisher): Vienna 2011
DATE: 27th October 2011, Project Space Kunsthalle Vienna
OCCASION: Book Presentation and panel discussion with Sophia Panteliadou, Elisabeth Schäfer and Arno Böhler, Moderation: Thomas Eder, Conception and Presentation: Dieter Bandhauer (Sonderzahl Publishers), Sophia Panteliadou and Elisabeth Schäfer
DATE: 27th October 2011, Project Space Kunsthalle Vienna
OCCASION: Book Presentation and panel discussion with Sophia Panteliadou, Elisabeth Schäfer and Arno Böhler, Moderation: Thomas Eder, Conception and Presentation: Dieter Bandhauer (Sonderzahl Publishers), Sophia Panteliadou and Elisabeth Schäfer
Die Offene Seite der Schrift
DATE: 8th November 2006, IWK Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at IWK (Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst), Vienna in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theory and Gender Studies”
DATE: 8th November 2006, IWK Vienna
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at IWK (Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst), Vienna in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theory and Gender Studies”
Panel organisations
Potentialities to Come – in Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Writing, Art
DATE: 29th May - 1st June 2019, University of Klagenfurt, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: APL Conference (Association for Philosophy and Literature, former known as iapl), University of Klagenfurt on “Truth, Fiction, Illusion”
DATE: 29th May - 1st June 2019, University of Klagenfurt, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: APL Conference (Association for Philosophy and Literature, former known as iapl), University of Klagenfurt on “Truth, Fiction, Illusion”
Thinking Chaosmos. The Creative Assemblage of Non/Subjectivity, Immanence and Bodies in Deleuze
TIME: 32nd May – 2nd June 2013, Tamkang University (Taiwan)
OCCASION: First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference,
Panel Participants: Simone Borghi, Herwig Kopp, Angelika Seppi, Elisabeth Schäfer. Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Folding Inside – Forces of the Outside”
TIME: 32nd May – 2nd June 2013, Tamkang University (Taiwan)
OCCASION: First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference,
Panel Participants: Simone Borghi, Herwig Kopp, Angelika Seppi, Elisabeth Schäfer. Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Folding Inside – Forces of the Outside”
trans_ports: Time, Space and Feminist Philosophy
DATE: 28th May – 3rd Jun 2012, Tallinn University, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: IAPL Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Archeologies oft he Futures. Tracing Memories. Imagining Spaces.” Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Space of attraction. On Thinking the Sensible Transcendental”
DATE: 28th May – 3rd Jun 2012, Tallinn University, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: IAPL Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Archeologies oft he Futures. Tracing Memories. Imagining Spaces.” Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Space of attraction. On Thinking the Sensible Transcendental”
Luce Irigarays Between East and West
DATE: 23rd – 29th May 2011, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), together with Prof. Dr. Gertrude Postl
OCCASION: IAPL Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “East / West. Detorritorialiszation. Negotiation. Globalization.” Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Being in a Mixture: Singular – Plural”
DATE: 23rd – 29th May 2011, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), together with Prof. Dr. Gertrude Postl
OCCASION: IAPL Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “East / West. Detorritorialiszation. Negotiation. Globalization.” Panel Lecture by Elisabeth Schäfer: “Being in a Mixture: Singular – Plural”
Conference Papers
“Toute-puissance-autre” – A Derridian-Cixousian Drive-“Theory” of Literature
DATE: October Oktober 2022, Universität Klagenfurt
DATE: October Oktober 2022, Universität Klagenfurt
But what was it? This Strange Institution called Literature.
DATE: 12-15 June, 2022, Date of lecture June 12th, Washington DC
OCCASION: Derrida Today Conference
DATE: 12-15 June, 2022, Date of lecture June 12th, Washington DC
OCCASION: Derrida Today Conference
How to be a Refug(e)e for a Stranger? Fragments and Brief Chronicles of the Time of Migration
DATE: 17th November 2018, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Filmscreening and discussion in the course of the international symposium “Human Rights. Feminist and Gender - Philosophical Perspectives.” Cooperative Symposium University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy and Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP Austria)
DATE: 17th November 2018, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Filmscreening and discussion in the course of the international symposium “Human Rights. Feminist and Gender - Philosophical Perspectives.” Cooperative Symposium University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy and Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP Austria)
The University Without Condition. Why We Need Plural Queer-feminist Philosophies at University Departments
DATE: 13th September 2018, University of Göttingen
OCCASION: 10th European Feminist Research Conference on “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions”
DATE: 13th September 2018, University of Göttingen
OCCASION: 10th European Feminist Research Conference on “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions”
What Artistic Research Calls For: New Styles of Writing
DATE: 29th May 2018, University of Applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: The Teaching Artistic Research Conference, University of Applied Arts Vienna
DATE: 29th May 2018, University of Applied Arts Vienna
OCCASION: The Teaching Artistic Research Conference, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Trans*Writing. Writing a Life
DATE: 29th April 2017, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki (Finland)
OCCASION: Lecture held at the 8th International Conference on Artistic Research on “Please Specify!”
DATE: 29th April 2017, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki (Finland)
OCCASION: Lecture held at the 8th International Conference on Artistic Research on “Please Specify!”
Figurations of Immanence. The Event of Writing
DATE: 7th May 2016, AIL (Angewandte Innovation Laboratory) Vienna
OCCASION: Conference “The Concept of Immanence in Philosophy and the Arts”, organized by the FWF PEEK-project “Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based Research” [AR 275-G21]
DATE: 7th May 2016, AIL (Angewandte Innovation Laboratory) Vienna
OCCASION: Conference “The Concept of Immanence in Philosophy and the Arts”, organized by the FWF PEEK-project “Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy AS Arts-Based Research” [AR 275-G21]
Thinking the Transience of the Living / Promising a Queer Philosophy
DATE: 5th February 2015, University of Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Lecture held at the Symposion “Body Discourses / Body Politics and Agency”, University Vienna, Gender Research Office
DATE: 5th February 2015, University of Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Lecture held at the Symposion “Body Discourses / Body Politics and Agency”, University Vienna, Gender Research Office
Don’t put up a brave front! Thinking Queer Anarchies: in Between, at the Edge, without Borders
DATE: 11th December 2014, JKU Johannes Kepler-Universität, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the SWIP symposium 2014 (Society for Women in Philosophy)
DATE: 11th December 2014, JKU Johannes Kepler-Universität, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Invited Lecture at the SWIP symposium 2014 (Society for Women in Philosophy)
The Origin of Tears – Derridas Zirkumskriptionen der Körper
DATE: 30th September 2014, The University of Art and Design Linz
OCCASION: International Symposium on “‘Die Zukunft gehört den Phantomen’ - Kunst und Politik (in) der Dekonstruktion” (“‘The future belongs to ghosts’ - Art and Politics in / of Deconstruction”), on the occasion of the10th anniversery of the death of Jacques Derrida
DATE: 30th September 2014, The University of Art and Design Linz
OCCASION: International Symposium on “‘Die Zukunft gehört den Phantomen’ - Kunst und Politik (in) der Dekonstruktion” (“‘The future belongs to ghosts’ - Art and Politics in / of Deconstruction”), on the occasion of the10th anniversery of the death of Jacques Derrida
Don’t put up a brave front! Thinking Queer Anarchies: in Between, at the Edge, without Borders
DATE: 26th June 2014, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: XV International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium on “Philosophy, Knowledge and Feminist Practices”
DATE: 26th June 2014, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: XV International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium on “Philosophy, Knowledge and Feminist Practices”
Traits of Touching. Thinking Bodies between Sense and Sensing
DATE: 1st–7th June 2009, Brunel University (London, UK)
OCCASION: IAPL 33rd Annual Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Double Edges - rhetorics/rhizomes/regions”
DATE: 1st–7th June 2009, Brunel University (London, UK)
OCCASION: IAPL 33rd Annual Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Double Edges - rhetorics/rhizomes/regions”
“The hand is not far” – Touching Derrida
DATE: 30th June–6th July 2008, RMIT University, La Trobe University, University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia)
OCCASION: IAPL 32nd Annual Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Global Arts / Local Knowledge”
DATE: 30th June–6th July 2008, RMIT University, La Trobe University, University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia)
OCCASION: IAPL 32nd Annual Conference (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) on “Global Arts / Local Knowledge”
Der Sinn der Berührung
DATE: 24th–26th September 2006, University of Vienna
OCCASION: The First Graduate Symposium for Phenomenology, University of Vienna
DATE: 24th–26th September 2006, University of Vienna
OCCASION: The First Graduate Symposium for Phenomenology, University of Vienna
Politik der Poesie
DATE: 6th September 2007, University of Vienna
OCCASION: KCTOS Conference on “Wissen, Kreativität und Transformationen von Gesellschaften” (“Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies”)
DATE: 6th September 2007, University of Vienna
OCCASION: KCTOS Conference on “Wissen, Kreativität und Transformationen von Gesellschaften” (“Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies”)
The Double Gesture of Writing – or: Writing is the Arrival of an Entirely Unexpected Cat
DATE: 1st September 2006, Rome
OCCASION: 12th International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium on “Thinking Experience”
DATE: 1st September 2006, Rome
OCCASION: 12th International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium on “Thinking Experience”
Kommunizierende Gefäße – Über das Hervorbringen der Worte auch aus dem Erinnern der Theorien
DATE: 2nd October 2002, Barcelona (Spain)
OCCASION: 10th International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium
DATE: 2nd October 2002, Barcelona (Spain)
OCCASION: 10th International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) Symposium
Textproduktion. Begutachtung. Veröffentlichung. Ein Symposium zu Praktiken wissenschaftlichen Publizierens.
DATE: March 13th 2023, Online
OCCASION: Podium der Zeitschrift Debatte.
DATE: March 13th 2023, Online
OCCASION: Podium der Zeitschrift Debatte.
Künstlerisch-Philosophisches Podium: Annäherung an das Thema HAUT/Berührung ex-peau-sition: Raum-Inszenierungen
DATE: Juli 9th 2021, Haus Wittgenstein, Vienna
OCCASION: Ausstellung Minna Antova: SKIN/touching//NOLI ME TANGERE
DATE: Juli 9th 2021, Haus Wittgenstein, Vienna
OCCASION: Ausstellung Minna Antova: SKIN/touching//NOLI ME TANGERE
SWIP Austria (Society for Women in Philosophy Austria)
DATE: 26th March 2019, hosted by Brigitte Buchhammer
OCCASION: Panel Invitation by SWIP Austria (Society for Women in Philosophy Austria) with Elisabeth Holzleithner (Department Leader of the Department of Legal Philosophy University of Vienna), Sabine Grenz (interdisciplinary Professorship for the Master’s Programme Gender Studies, University of Vienna), Students of Master’s Programme Gender Studies, among others
DATE: 26th March 2019, hosted by Brigitte Buchhammer
OCCASION: Panel Invitation by SWIP Austria (Society for Women in Philosophy Austria) with Elisabeth Holzleithner (Department Leader of the Department of Legal Philosophy University of Vienna), Sabine Grenz (interdisciplinary Professorship for the Master’s Programme Gender Studies, University of Vienna), Students of Master’s Programme Gender Studies, among others
Die Welt ein krummes Ding. Von Stanitzeln und Palatschinken
DATE: 25th March 2019, Vinoe, Vinotheque of Lower Austria, Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Gottfried Hinker on Gilles Deleuze’s “The Fold”, in the context of the Neue Wiener Gruppe Lacan Schule, Sektion Ästhetik. Invitation by Sophia Panteliadou
DATE: 25th March 2019, Vinoe, Vinotheque of Lower Austria, Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Gottfried Hinker on Gilles Deleuze’s “The Fold”, in the context of the Neue Wiener Gruppe Lacan Schule, Sektion Ästhetik. Invitation by Sophia Panteliadou
Theorie und ihre Praktiken
DATE: 32nd November 2018, Hebbel Theater Ufer Hau, Technical University of Berlin
OCCASION: Panel discussion with Helmut Höge, Gertrud Koch, Angela Melitopoulos, Elisabeth Schäfer, hosted by Kathrin Peters in the context of “Wiedersehen in TUNIX! Eine Revision der Berliner Projektekultur” (“TUNIX! Reunion. A Revision of Berlin Project Culture”)
DATE: 32nd November 2018, Hebbel Theater Ufer Hau, Technical University of Berlin
OCCASION: Panel discussion with Helmut Höge, Gertrud Koch, Angela Melitopoulos, Elisabeth Schäfer, hosted by Kathrin Peters in the context of “Wiedersehen in TUNIX! Eine Revision der Berliner Projektekultur” (“TUNIX! Reunion. A Revision of Berlin Project Culture”)
Was ist los in der Uni?
DATE: 14th December 2017, Depot Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Birge Krondorfer, Tanja Traxler, Gerd Valchars, curated by Teo Klug in Cooperation with Frauenhetz Vienna
DATE: 14th December 2017, Depot Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Birge Krondorfer, Tanja Traxler, Gerd Valchars, curated by Teo Klug in Cooperation with Frauenhetz Vienna
Critical From Within
DATE: 22nd November 2016, Depot Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Renée Gadsden, Andreas Novy, Elisabeth Schäfer, Rahel Sophia Süß, hosted by Teo Klug (University of Göteborg)
DATE: 22nd November 2016, Depot Vienna
OCCASION: Discussion with Renée Gadsden, Andreas Novy, Elisabeth Schäfer, Rahel Sophia Süß, hosted by Teo Klug (University of Göteborg)
Fehl am Platz? Grenzen queer-aktivistischer Räume
DATE: 4th June 2014, IWK Vienna (Vienna Institute for Science and Arts)
OCCASION: Roundtable in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theories and Gender Studies”, organized by IWK Vienna
DATE: 4th June 2014, IWK Vienna (Vienna Institute for Science and Arts)
OCCASION: Roundtable in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theories and Gender Studies”, organized by IWK Vienna
Aktivismus vs. Academia? Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen Privilegien und Prekariat
DATE: 6th November 2013, IWK Vienna (Vienna Institute for Science and Arts)
OCCASION: Roundtable in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theories and Gender Studies”, organized by IWK Vienna, together with Ursula Kubes-Hofmann
DATE: 6th November 2013, IWK Vienna (Vienna Institute for Science and Arts)
OCCASION: Roundtable in the context of the lecture series “Feminist Theories and Gender Studies”, organized by IWK Vienna, together with Ursula Kubes-Hofmann
30 Jahre Postmoderne
DATE: 11th November 2009, R2 Philosophische Werkstatt Vienna
OCCASION: Panel discussion in the context of the Viennese LESEFESTWOCHE (Viennese Reading Festival), together with Eva Pudill, Bernd Bösel, Elisabeth Schäfer, hosted by Markus Mittmansgruber, invitation by Irmgard Klammer
DATE: 11th November 2009, R2 Philosophische Werkstatt Vienna
OCCASION: Panel discussion in the context of the Viennese LESEFESTWOCHE (Viennese Reading Festival), together with Eva Pudill, Bernd Bösel, Elisabeth Schäfer, hosted by Markus Mittmansgruber, invitation by Irmgard Klammer
Experiment und Performanz im wissenschaftlichen Feld
DATE: 28th March 2017, University of Salzburg
OCCASION: Workshop invitation by the interuniversitary Doctorate College “Die Künste und ihre öffentliche Wirkung: Konzepte – Transfer – Resonanz” (“The Arts and their public Impact: Concepts – Transfer – Resonance”)
DATE: 28th March 2017, University of Salzburg
OCCASION: Workshop invitation by the interuniversitary Doctorate College “Die Künste und ihre öffentliche Wirkung: Konzepte – Transfer – Resonanz” (“The Arts and their public Impact: Concepts – Transfer – Resonance”)
Medusa ...der luftigen Schwimmerin, der fliegenden Diebin...
DATE: 23rd October 2013, Frauenhetz Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Workshop in the context of the Frauenhetz series “Werkstatt feministische Philosophie” (“Laboratory Feminist Philosophy”)
DATE: 23rd October 2013, Frauenhetz Vienna, together with Mag.a Esther Hutfless
OCCASION: Workshop in the context of the Frauenhetz series “Werkstatt feministische Philosophie” (“Laboratory Feminist Philosophy”)
lilith. hinten runter gefallen. Dance- and Poetry-Performance by Lisa Kuttner and Bettina Schmitz
DATE: 28th September 2013, Albert-Schweitzer-Haus Vienna
OCCASION: Co-hosting of the dance and poetry event “lilith. hinten runter gefallen”, organized by Frauenhetz Vienna
DATE: 28th September 2013, Albert-Schweitzer-Haus Vienna
OCCASION: Co-hosting of the dance and poetry event “lilith. hinten runter gefallen”, organized by Frauenhetz Vienna
Denken im Affekt
DATE: 20th August 2010, Kloster Pernegg Lower Austria, together with Dr. Bernd Bösel
OCCASION: Workshop in the context of the 13th GLOBART Academy on “Wendezeit” (“Times of Change”)
DATE: 20th August 2010, Kloster Pernegg Lower Austria, together with Dr. Bernd Bösel
OCCASION: Workshop in the context of the 13th GLOBART Academy on “Wendezeit” (“Times of Change”)